Contact Us

Falling Waters Battlefield Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 339
Falling Waters, WV 25419


President Gary Gimbel (304) 263-7242
E-Mail Me
Vice President Harold Heiston

(304) 886-7887
E-Mail Me

Secretary Cheryl Rodgers (304) 274-3990
E-Mail Me
Treasurer Nolan Lindstrom E-Mail Me
Membership Chairman Harold Heiston (304) 886-7887
E-Mail Me

Consider making a donation to The Falling Waters Battlefield Association



From I-81 take Spring Mills Exit 20, then proceed West on Hammonds Mill Road (WV 901).  T.J. Jackson Drive is the first road on the left (south side) approximately 300 yards west of I-81.  The library is on the corner, next to, but set back from the CNB Bank, across the street from the Shell Gas Station & Convenience Store.  Library Phone Number: (304) 274-3443.